Thursday, April 13, 2017

An Autobiography

Image result for quotes about being yourself

Slacking. I'm slacking again. It's been almost a month since I've last made a blog post. Today, I've decided to enlighten you readers with some facts about yours truly. Maybe you already knew some of these things and maybe you didn't. Be prepared to be amazed. 

1. I was born in North Carolina (where the majority of my mother's family still resides) and moved to Kansas shortly before I turned four. And while you can take the girl out of the south, you can't take the south out of the girl. I still call a shopping cart a buggy and a stocking hat a toboggan (I know, I know, I've heard a million times that a toboggan is a sled). I say y'all. I drink sweet tea. I love cole slaw on my hot dogs. 

2. I started babysitting at the age of nine. While I loved spending time with kids, I swore up and down that I'd never be married or have children of my own. My views have since changed.Obviously. 

3. As a kid and as a teenager, I used to be able to run, quickly. My brothers and I would race each other down the road we lived on at the time and I would win, a lot. Nowadays I couldn't outrun a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter. 

4. I've previously made mention that I love to write. As a teenager, I had started writing a book, "The Adventures of Krimishi." I can't remember much about the story anymore except that the main character's name was Krimishi and she had magical powers. 

5. While Legends of the Fall remains one of my favorite movies to date, Tristan was not named after Brad Pitt's character in the movie (yes, I have been asked this on several occasions). In fact, I hadn't ever seen the movie until after he was born. 

6. I LOVE to sing. I was in choir until 8th grade. My favorite choir program was in 6th grade when we got to sing "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast. I sing everywhere. In the shower. In the car. During spin class. On the same note, while I love to sing, I never said I was actually any good at it. 

7. I am a Disney enthusiast. I have loved all things Disney for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I'd watch Beauty and the Beast and make sure to find a basket and fill it with books and prance around the living room singing along with the opening scene. I'd watch the Little Mermaid and push myself up on the coffee table as Ariel sang the last line of "Part of Your World." Disney karaoke? I'm your girl. 

8. I grew up going to a Baptist Church. I quit going when I was about 17. I've visited several churches off and on since then but haven't gone regularly. And I'll be honest, I've come to find that I really miss it. 

9. I have a gypsy spirit. I daydream constantly about packing up, moving to a new place and beginning a new adventure (with my family in tow of course). 

10. There have been several times in my life that I've thought about pursuing a career in nursing. Funny coming from the girl who used to be terrified of needles (and still gets a little woozy around them if I'm being honest). The urge was at an all time high after Brynlee was born. Seeing my baby girl in the NICU, being around the nurses and staff that became a second family at the time, I truly felt I'd like to give back to other families the way those people had given hope to us during our time of need. I still think about it from time to time. 

11. I absolutely despise the sound of fingernails being clipped. Is there a phobia that coordinates with that? If so, I definitely have it.

12. I talk to myself out loud frequently. 

13. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. But the jeans can easily be replaced with sweatpants or athletic shorts or workout pants. Basically, my style is very comfort driven.

14. I'd never gone camping until Jacob and I started dating, 12 years ago. It is now one of my favorite things to do! 

15. I'm a go with the flow girl. I feel like I'm on a consistent time crunch when I've scheduled my days full of activities. I'd rather just see which direction the wind happens to blow me in that day. 

16. I never thought I'd say this, ever. But going to the gym has become my outlet. I really feel like I've started the day off right when I know I just busted my butt in the gym.

17. I love the little moments in life. Unexpected visits. "I want to hold you," coming from my two year old because she's tired and needs a snuggle. The random facts my son spews on the daily (he's on his way to genius status). The way my husband can always make laugh, always. The smell of a new book. Simple nights sitting on the back porch, conversing the night away. 

And with that, I'm completing this post. Maybe this provided a little insight to what goes on in this pretty little head of mine. Maybe you got a chuckle and maybe not. But I figure, I've probably rambled on long enough for now. And I can't give away all my secrets can I?