Within a mile radius of my home live several of my closest friends and family. We often refer to ourselves as the "Southside" crew due to our neighborhood location on the south side of the railroad tracks. Life in our neck of the woods is full of shenanigans. It is chaotic, exhausting and busy. Yet, it is so very fulfilling.
Before I get too much farther, let me also say this; while it makes it easier to partake in festivities, you do not actually have to live on the south side to be considered part of the crew. The south side isn't just a location, it's a way of life.
We have an open door policy. If there are cars in the driveway, you are welcome to come in. Whether it be to say a quick hello or to unload after a rough day, we're here for one another. That chair you're sitting in? It is a place of non-judgement.
Kids are welcome. We may have an occasional kid free night, however, most often, there is a tiny army running around. So what if they found a mud hole in the backyard; it's nothing a bathtub and a too big t-shirt can't fix. Has today been a rough one for them, full of meltdowns and tears? Bring them. Days like that can be taxing, we get it, and it's nothing that we haven't all seen before. Let them run around in the dark, playing hide and seek. It can get a little (okay, maybe a lot) loud most nights but what's better than watching your kids being kids, laughing and carrying on? I'll tell you. Nothing. Are toys strewn throughout the house at the end of the night? Are there half full cups sitting on the table? Popcorn kernels all over the floor? Yes, yes and yes. I'd be lying if I said that it isn't somewhat exhausting but you know what? Kids come and they feel like they can truly do what they're best at, being kids.
There is always food on the table and beer in the fridge. Mi casa es su casa. Hungry? Feel free to raid the cabinets and/or fridge. Everything in there is replaceable. Thirsty? Get yourself a drink. Need a hot cup of coffee? We've got you covered, always.
Impromptu gatherings are a common occurrence, it doesn't matter if it's a Tuesday night or a Sunday afternoon. Late nights often turn into early mornings as an evening get-together dwindles into the next day. Food, laughter and conversation are never in short supply. Some nights we're packed around a kitchen table, playing a game of cards and others we're packed around a fire pit, listening to music and dancing under the light of the moon. Can't dance? We've got you covered. At some point or another, every one of us has considered ourselves a master of the craft. Garage or kitchen karaoke? You betcha. Whether it be an old country song or Eminem blasting through the speakers, we're about to give it our all. The whole "living in the moment" philosophy? We welcome it with open arms.

We're a mess. We put the fun in dysfunctional. But we're a family, the family we chose for ourselves.