Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Progress Report

Wow y'all, it's been a hot minute (err, three months) since my last blog. We have welcomed a new year and are quickly approaching the end of February. Where has the time gone?

Life these last three months has been the perfect mixture of mundane and adventure. And hey, that's a-okay with me. 

Adventure has taken us to new places, both within the Kansas state lines and outside of them. In November, we took our first family vacation (just the four of us) to visit Jacob's Uncle Paul in Colorado and take in the sights. I'd be lying if I said that Colorado wasn't breathtaking. We wandered and saw so many new things: Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Pikes Peak, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. We spent time with family I'd had yet to meet and had the absolute time of our lives. 

We adventured with friends to Teeter rock, located in Butler County. We traveled the back roads, found some mud and made some memories. 

We've spent late nights gathered around a kitchen table, laughing and reminiscing. We've spent Sundays cheering on the Chiefs and indulging in delicious food. We've watched our gaggle of children create chaos all around us.  

On the other hand, we've also experienced nights that have us in bed by 8 o'clock. We've endured stomach bugs and colds. We've binge watched TV shows while snuggled up in front of the fireplace.

And we've loved every single minute. Okay, so maybe not EVERY single the ones filled with vomiting children. But you get the picture.

In January, I picked a word for 2020, just as I had for 2019. My word? THRIVE. And thriving is exactly what I've been doing. 

I've gotten myself back in a gym routine, going four to five days a week for the last couple of months. I've found classes and instructors that help keep me motivated towards my goal of a healthier me. The group of people in these classes? Amazing. It doesn't matter what physical shape you are in nor the time it takes to complete the tasks at hand, we're all there to support one another. The scale keeps creeping up and while that's daunting and frustrating, I'm trying to spend more time focusing on the things I have accomplished versus tearing myself down for the things I haven't. My clothes are starting to fit differently. I can do ACTUAL push ups. I'm gaining muscle. But most importantly, I feel good. I feel strong. 

I've been trying to make a conscious effort to be present in my relationships with my husband, my kids, my family and my friends. My phone is often kept on silent after the workday or put upstairs while I spend time with my family. It allows me to give them my full focus and pulls me away from the mindless scrolling that is so easy to get lost in. 

I'm continuing to grow in my job. 

I'm working towards self discovery, taking time for myself to learn and grow. 

2020 is about laughing, deep conversations, the adrenaline rush after a good workout. 2020 is for savoring, reflection and adventure. 2020 is for sparkling eyes and finish lines.
2020 is for living, let's do the dang thing. 

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