Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023: Oh What a Year!

 It's December 31st, 2023. Only one day remains in the year, and dang, what a year it's been! There is so much that we crammed into this year, it's hard to even know where to begin (or end for that matter). 

Do you remember my last blog post? The one where I mentioned we were moving into our fifth wheel on my father in law's property? Well, it happened. And man, what an invigorating change. We lived so much life inside and outside of those walls. Nights were spent with family and friends on the patio out front, the same patio that served as the dance floor at our wedding in 2010. Shortly after moving onto the property, we made the decision to purchase a ranger side by side. While I scoffed at the price of such an investment, we've spent countless nights cruising around, making memories that I will hold onto for the rest of my life.

In March, we traveled with some of our dearest friends to Crystal Beach, TX, to spend spring break at Camp Margaritaville. That trip, such an adventure! An hour out from our destination, Jacob's truck lost a tire (while pulling the camper), which resulted in a smashed bedside and some cosmetic damage to the camper's skirting. Thank goodness for our tribe, who not only pulled our home on wheels the remaining length of the way, but who also re-arranged plans to accommodate us getting a rental car and  watched kids while we dealt with the dealership. And while that part was chaos, we also crammed so much fun into that trip - visiting Nasa, enduring chilly nights for outdoor concerts, games of sharks and minnows in the pool. 

A month after our trip to Texas, and after living in the camper for eight months, we were able to make a family dream come true by purchasing Jacob's grandparent's property, which sits one property south of my father in law. The date was April 20th, 2023.

We've spent the last eight months transforming this home into a home of our own. We've spent countless hours tearing down wallpaper and painting, scraping ceilings and re-texturing, ripping up carpet and putting down new floors. Every single minute has been worth it. We've already lived so much life within these walls (and outside of them) and are looking forward to creating many more over the years. 

And as amazing as 2023 has been, that's not to say it hasn't come with it's share of struggles. After taking a new job in leadership in 2022, I was moved to another department in January of 2023. Never one to back down from a challenge, I dug my heels in and gave it everything I had. Unfortunately, I found that I was losing myself in the process. I'd worked my tail off my entire career to climb the ladder and was dang proud of the process I'd made, but my anxiety was at an all time high and I was beginning to lose sight of what truly mattered as I allowed that anxiety to steal my joy. As scary and it was, I knew that if I wanted change for myself, I had to take the bull by the horns and work towards exactly that. 

As of October 16th, I am the Patient Care Coordinator at our local med spa, Skin Studio. A dear friend of mine shot me a text when the position opened, encouraging me to apply. Having to submit an introductory video of myself almost put me off, however, I went for it and was called in for an interview. When I walked into the office the day of my interview, I immediately felt a shift and after meeting the staff, knew that the atmosphere that what exactly the change I needed. I haven't looked back since.

Day by day, I feel the joy and drive returning within me. 

As for 2024, it's going to be my year. My goal? Rediscovery. Rediscovering the best version of myself. Holding tight to my family. Feeding my faith. Building habits. Writing again. Reading. Sunset cruises around the property. Late nights with friends. 2024 I'm coming for you, are you ready?