Monday, January 30, 2017

Learning to Dance with A Limp

Spring - clean
1. to clean (a house) thoroughly; traditionally at the end of winter

It may not be spring or the end of winter, but "spring-clean" is exactly what Saturday consisted of at Hill Haven. Saturday's cleaning session stemmed from a text message, received from my husband at 1:35am last Wednesday. It simply read: "FYI. We are getting both our children's beds set up this weekend."

You see, I'm not a "by the book" parent. I'm more of a "go with the flow and see what happens type of parent." So, it comes as no surprise that more often than not, I have a two a half year old that sleeps in my bed and a nine year old that crashes on my bedroom floor. I'll admit, it's not always the most glamorous situation (case and point on Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning when Tristan, who was not feeling well, groaned all night and his little sister flipped at least a dozen times while in my bed). 

So Saturday, we spent the day tearing down beds, setting up beds, tearing down closet doors (those awful gold trimmed mirrored doors), sorting through toys and re-arranging. Tristan's room was first and then we made our way to Brynlee's. 

While cleaning Brynlee's room, I decided to rearrange the books on her bookshelf. Both the kids and I are guilty of throwing the books in random piles and arrangements on the shelves as we put them away. In the midst of re-arranging I found a small, lime green birthday gift bag on the second shelf. Unsure of what it was, I decided to open the bag and investigate. In it I found a stack of birthday cards, one's that I'd saved from Brynlee's first and Tristan's eighth birthdays. 

Flipping through the cards, an envelope with the words "Miss Brynlee" written across it stood out among the others. It was written in handwriting that I'd recognize anywhere, handwriting that I'd seen many times over the last 28 years, my grandmother's. Inside, the following message was written, " Happy 1st birthday to someone who is so sweet and beautiful she takes our breath away. Love, Gramma Gloria"

Just like that, the tears come. 

It's been almost a year since my Grandma left this Earth. Some days it hurts so bad I can hardly stand it. 

My Grandma always kept bread ties. I never understood why but she did. She had a stash of them and by golly, she'd find a use for them. In the months since my Grandma's passing, I too have starting saving bread ties. For what I'm not sure but I can't seem to bring myself to throw them away. Maybe it's because of the smile that comes across my face every time I get into my silverware drawer and find them, a reminder of her and the memories we shared. 

My Grandma was special. And I know, everyone probably argues that same point about their own grandparents but the relationship I had with my Grandmother is one that I will cherish forever. Yes, she could drive me crazy. Heaven forbid you had mismatched sheets on your bed. My Grandma thought in black and white while I enjoy exploring the grey areas, seeing what they have to teach me. But she was there for everything, all the big moments, but more importantly, all the small ones in between. 

She was the creator of traditions - because of her we play bingo every Christmas Eve. She taught me to love being in the kitchen (even though to this day I am still a terrible cook). But hey, I'm learning. She was my biggest supporter. She believed in me. She believed that my writing was a talent and that it'd take me places. 

And it was then, seeing that envelope, reading that message, that I realized it really is true what they say. Grief does come in stages. And no matter how hard you to try to prepare yourself for grief in any of it's forms, there's going to be times when you're not ready, when you can't take it. But there's also going to be times that you find joy in the memories, that you laugh instead of crying. 

I came across a quote about grief: "You will lose someone you can't live without and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you will never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn't seal back up. And you come through. It's like a having a broken leg that never heals perfectly - that still hurts when the weather gets cold but you learn to dance with the limp."

In a nutshell, yesterday was hard. My heart hurt. And the truth is, there's going to be tough days in the future. However, slowly and surely, I'm learning to dance with the limp. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

30 Before 30

Today was one of one of "those" days. You know, the type that occurs when you're on the fence as you wake up about whether or not the day to follow will be a good one or a not so good one. One of those days where the smallest of things makes you mumble under your breath and want to pull your hair out. And there's no reason as to why you really feel this way, you just do. 

But now, it's 5:53 pm and I've decided to turn this day into a new beginning. You see, I started this blog years ago, made about four blog posts and then put it in the pile of things that was supposed to become a regular in my everyday life but became quickly forgotten. So today, I turn that around. 

Back in July, two months after I turned 28, I wrote a "30 Before 30" list. Partially because I needed to do something for myself, to put my wants in one space and set out to achieve them. What better than a "30 Before 30 list." It too got stashed away and left to be forgotten. I'd come across it now and again, look through it, close the notebook it was written in and move on with my day. But today, today I'm putting this list out there, out for the world to read, out there for accountability. The first thing on the list? To start writing again, for me. To explore the possibilities of starting a blog and getting my thoughts out there in hopes that it would help me find an outlet on days like today, to find my way back to something I am very passionate about and maybe, just maybe, help some other people through days like today too. 

So here it goes, here goes the "restart" of my blog. Here goes publishing my "30 before 30" list for everyone to see and for me to accomplish. Let's do this!!

30 Before 30

1. Start writing again, for me. To explore the possibilities of starting a blog and getting my thoughts out in hopes that it can help me find an outlet on days like today, to find my way back to something I am very passionate about and maybe, just maybe, help some other people through days like today.
2. Get healthy. Eat better. Lose 15-25 pounds. (I am 8 pounds down from when I originally made this list). Be more active (I've been going to the gym for a solid 3 weeks now). 
3. Be a better me. For myself, for Jacob, for our kids.
4. Take more pictures of us. Of our children. Of nature. Find beauty behind the lens.
5. Get another tattoo. An anchor? The kid's names? Both?
6. Partake in a paintball fight.
7. Find adventure. Try new things. Say yes more often.
8. Go on a random road trip with friends.
9. Travel to a new city or state.
10. Play messy twister.
11. Become a "regular" somewhere. 
12. Learn to cook. I've screwed up hamburger helper for Pete's sake!
13. Start a new family tradition.
14. Know that it's okay to say how I feel. Holding it in doesn't provoke change.
15. Rekindle the romance and friendship with my husband. Times get tough. Sometimes giving up seems like the easiest thing to do but 11 years is too far to come to just walk away. 
16. Go to a Chase Rice concert. 
17. Worry less. It's okay to go a day without makeup or the perfect hair. And lazy Sundays are and should be a thing.
18. Finally watch the Lord of the Rings & Hobbit trilogies.
19. Find the prettiest waterfall in the state of Kansas.
20. Experience a drive in theater. 
21. Re-read the Harry Potter series & have a weekend marathon.
22. Continue to make more time for family.
23. Lear to let go. Of hurt and of anger.
24. Make time for myself. 
25. Home improvement projects. Kitchen (done), wall decor, office area.
26. Explore the opportunities within an online course or certification. 
27. Find the best cheeseburger in the state of Kansas.
28. Read more. 
29. Go to a musical.
30. Never back down. Go after my dreams.