Monday, June 12, 2017

Life's an Adventure

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I'd like to think that deep down, I'm an adventure seeker and a risk taker. I often bombard Jacob with my crazy ideas. I mean, come on, who doesn't want to pack up their belongings and move across the country? Who cares about all the logical questions you should be asking? You know, like how are you going to find a job? Or where do you plan to live? Or what you're going to do when your thousands of miles away from your family and every comfort you've ever known? 

As I said, I'd like to think that I could describe myself that way. But when it all comes down to it, the mere thought of change sends a shiver down my spine. 

Let's take this week's happenings for example.... 

My husband and I constantly browse houses, cars, etc. For one, we always like to know what's out there (you never know what may catch your eye) and for two, we enjoy dreaming about what we'd do if we ever really were to strike it big (for those of you keeping score, our lotto tickets have yet to pan out for us). 

However, this last week, we happened to stumble across a piece of real estate that REALLY caught our eye. 

It presented itself to us as a house similar in size and layout to ours but also on some acreage. #winning 

So we stewed on it. We questioned it. We thought to ourselves, "maybe we should just inquire about it." So we did. It ended up not being quite the deal we had originally thought. The original house on the property had actually burned down. However, there was a garage which had been insulated and partially converted to living quarters. Heck, we could make this work! 

And here comes the twist.... 

I FREAKED out. Like full on, "we are crazy, why would we even think about this?" freaked out. We've lived in our house for two years. It's everything we've ever wanted (minus land), we've made it into a home for us and our two children. We've created endless memories with family and friends. I kept thinking, "why in the heck would we want to give this up and start from scratch?"

But, after days of contemplation and hesitation, we decided to go for it. The least we could do was take a look at the property. And if it was what we wanted and we felt like it was attainable, we'd take the next step. 

Tonight was the night. As we headed out to meet the real estate agent, my head was spinning with questions and scenarios. When we arrived at the property, we spoke with the Agent and wandered around the living quarters and land for a few moments. In my head, I was beginning to think "this could really be it. We could do this."

Plot twist. 

The property had three offers put in on it TODAY. And above the price range that we'd decided we'd be comfortable in. But here's the thing, we went for it. We put ourselves out there and we explored an option. And maybe this one didn't pan out. But maybe the next one will. 

Life is an adventure. I'd rather have a lifetime of "oh wells" than "what ifs?"

At the end of the day, Jacob and I have each other. We have our kids. We have a home and jobs that provide. 

But life is an adventure. 
Take the trip, make the call, eat the cake. 
Find your happy.
And make memories along the way.

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