Thursday, December 17, 2020

Unpacking My Bag in 2021

I'll be honest in saying that 2020 has been equal parts invigorating and exhausting. It's refreshed me in ways that I never thought possible and yet, just a couple weeks out from a new year, I am feeling more drained than ever ; both physically and emotionally. 

I stumbled across an Instagram post yesterday from Jana Kramer, who mentioned that in a therapy session, her therapist read her a story in regards to letting go and moving away from things that aren't serving you anymore. And I'm not going to lie, there are probably dozens of similar posts that have been made and that I've seen, but yesterday, as I was tired and mad and hurting, it really resonated with me. What am I hanging onto that is no longer serving me? Unfortunately, those answers come a little too easily to me: anger, resentment, hurt, perception.

Anger with myself for allowing things to effect me in the way that I've let them, sneaking in and stealing joy from things that would normally bring me so much happiness. Anger in the way I've handled certain situations, letting things get the best of me. Anger is heavy. LET. IT. GO.

Resentfulness and hurt are two bitter pills which go in hand in hand. Their result? A hardened heart. Am I wrong in saying that when you feel as if you've been treated badly or hurt, your first instinct is to hurt back? And yet, two wrongs don't make a right. Bad things happen. But maybe, instead of letting those bad things loom like a darkened cloud over our heads, we should learn to use them to appreciate the light. Resentment and hurt don't change things. Instead they put a dimmer lens on the present. 

Perception, life is all about perception. How we view things, negatively or positively, will ultimately have an effect on the way we see ourselves and the way we see others. A unrealistic perception I've set for myself is outward appearance. By this I mean that I've always struggled with the fact that if I don't look "put together" or "ideal" then I'm failing. In the new year, I hope to take a step back and remind myself that I don't have to have it all down to succeed. Not having the time to make homemade treats for every class party does not make me a failure as a mother. Not looking like the girl two treadmills down from me at the gym doesn't invalidate my goals. That being said, I also need to change my perception towards others. Their opinions being different than mine doesn't invalidate them either, it doesn't make them wrong. In fact, I'm slowly realizing that difference in opinion has lead to some deep and meaningful conversations, ones that I may not have had otherwise. Another perception I've embedded within myself is the inability to say no. I fear that saying no to an opportunity or an invitation may hurt others, not realizing that most often the person that gets hurt is myself or my family. So in turn, I'm working towards saying no just as often, maybe more, than I say yes. Saying no will bring me more time with my family. Saying no will allow life to present new opportunities, new adventures. Saying no will lessen anxieties brought on by crammed schedules and expectations. It will make way for time doing the things that I want, that my family wants. And sometimes that thing is to do absolutely NOTHING. 

So there you have it, the things I hope to unpack from my bag in 2021: anger, resentment, hurt and perception. But I'm also hoping to take that open space in my bag and fill it with things that DO serve me. 





Inner peace.

What's in your bag? 

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