Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finding A Lost Passion

An empty page stares at me from a spiral notebook. After twenty minutes of looking at nothing, I find myself totally and completely frustrated and confused. What happened? I used to write so freely, I used to have more than enough to say. 

From a young age I found writing to be the easiest and best way to express my thoughts and feelings. Many hours were spent with pen and paper in hand, lost in a moment. To be honest, I'm not sure why the last few years have been tainted by a lack of passion. There have been plenty of memories and experiences to write about and yet I could never find the words. Maybe they got lost somewhere in the transition from a carefree high school graduate to a married young mother, from working part-time to taking on a full-time job to provide for my family. But yesterday, as I sat browsing through Facebook, something changed. I found my inspiration in the words of a friend. 

He mentioned the idea of blogging. Anyone remember Xanga? I sure do. Back then I blogged because it was a trend at the time, not because I truly cared to share my thoughts with others. So I navigated away from status updates and photos to his recently written post. While I was reading his words I found what I'd been searching for : a reminder that your words, whether they are mere ramblings or a well thought out idea, holding meaning and have the ability to touch others. 

So today, I have vowed to begin down the road of rediscovering a lost passion, writing. I too will begin a blog, letting out my thoughts and expressing who I am and the things that I believe in. 

To you my friend, I thank you. I also want to say that no matter what today has confronted you with or how routine your life may feel, you have helped someone. You have helped me. You inspired me and not matter how silly it may sound, you are helping me to rediscover something that I thought may have become forever lost.

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