Monday, May 2, 2011

Love A Little

Is it too much to ask for a simple thank you? Does it take too much effort to relay a positive message than to let negativity seep through? Lately it seems like every time I log onto Facebook or overhead a conversation, all I see and hear are negative things. In my twenty-three years, I feel like I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm not saying my life is perfect, it throws curve balls at me just like everyone else, but negativity is not something I want to have constantly hanging overhead. So for the next week, everyday I am going to blog about something or someone I have thankful to have in my life. Some of these things will seem obvious but others may surprise you.

I am thankful to wake up to an amazing husband and a wonderful son. They give me a reason to smile and laugh every day. Although at times they can both drive me crazy, I wouldn't be the same without them.
Jacob and I met when we were sixteen. That way six years ago. In six years we have been through many things together; high school, a break-up, teen pregnancy, his mom's diagnosis of cancer, my parent's divorce, becoming a young married couple and most recently, the search for a home. Not to mention all the the memories crammed in between.

Becoming a mother at nineteen was definitely not something I planned. At first I wasn't sure how things were going to pan out. I was in my freshman year at Emporia State and Jacob was a senior at Northern Heights. He could have ran, he could have doubted me, doubted us, but he didn't. Not once. He was at every doctor's appointment, he rubbed my head when I had trouble sleeping, wiped away my tears when I was scared and unsure.

It's amazing how two people can create such a little miracle. Now at almost four years old, Tristan is the light of our lives. He had our hearts from the moment he entered this world. It's the little things he does that pull on my heart strings; the way he gets excited by trains, cars and monster trucks, his goodnight hugs and kisses, his chuckle when he's being tickled. I can't help but smile when I think about the positive change he has brought to our life. Parenthood is really a blessing.

No, I don't know what the future holds but I have complete and total faith in the three of us. It may take a little work but these two are completely worth it!

1 comment:

  1. It's always annoying to log in to see so many people so pessimistic about everything. Facebook especially seems to be one sob story after another. As long as you yourself know the difference between what's really important to have then eventually people around you will clue in and wonder why you're so happy when they're not, and when it hits that point it'll be easier to spread the idea that life's a road with some awesome pit stops along the way.
