It's strange. I literally feel as if I was just counting down the days to my twenty first birthday. And now, I've blinked. Thirty is right on the other side of the door, staring me in the face.
But as weird as it feels, looking back on the last ten years, there is so much to be proud of. So much progress made within myself, my relationship and my life. And the good times, well they always managed to outweigh the bad.
At twenty, Jacob and I went out on our own and found the apartment that was our first home together. There were days when I didn't know if we could juggle the responsibilities of parenthood, working and paving our own way. But we managed. We got our first family pet that year too, Tati, our rescue dog.
At twenty one, I started what I felt was my first "big girl job." It was the first job I'd worked where I was able to gain benefits such as insurance and vacation time. I worked that job for five and a half years. It helped me obtain a lot of the skills that I have today.
At twenty two, Jacob and I got married. We'd been engaged for two and a half years. I can't tell you how many times I heard, 'You're only twenty two, you've got the rest of your lives to live." But when you know, you know.
At twenty three, we bought our first home together. Oh, the good ol' Belmont. We'd searched for houses off and on for awhile when we stumbled across a for sale sign in the yard of a trailer while driving around. I grew up in that trailer park. At first I wasn't sure about taking residence in it again, but after meeting with the gentleman who was selling it, Larry and taking a look inside, we knew we could turn it into a good home for us. That house saw a lot of memories. Many evenings were spent with friends and family, talking on the front deck or hanging out around the fire pit. It was the house we brought Brynlee home too.
At twenty five, after over a year of trying, Jacob and I found out we were expecting our second child. I still remember sitting on the bathroom floor, looking at the plus sign that had formed on the pregnancy test. I remember looking at Jacob and saying, "This isn't right. This can't be right," to which he replied, "Jessica, we've been trying for this. It's right. Believe it. Celebrate it."
At twenty six, Brynlee was born. And although she made her entrance into this world seven weeks early, and times were trying, with her, our family felt complete. At twenty six, Jacob and I took a dream and made it a reality. It was that summer that we bought our current house. A house that we drove past several times and talked of how perfect it would be for our family. A house that is perfect for our family.
At twenty seven, I left my job of five and a half years, and began my time at Valu-Net. Some people look at me like I'm crazy when they learn that Jacob and I work together, but it's a change I'm glad I made. Never would i have imagined the relationships that I've built in the last three years. Never would I have imagined the knowledge that I have gained.
Those are some of the big ones. But there's also all the moments in between that made me thankful for this life that I have.
It was during this time that I met new friends, some of which I have no doubts, I will be laughing with when I'm old and grey.
I saw my mom get remarried and with that, our family grew.
I've seen both of my brothers graduate college and move towards building their careers.
I became an aunt, time and time again.
I rode on a motorcycle for the first time.
I mixed up hamburgers and pattied them on my own for the very first time... and I'm going to be honest. That was only Sunday!
I got my first, second and third tattoos.
I started blogging again.
And with the good times, come the hard ones. I watched Jacob and his sisters lose their mom. A woman who welcomed me with open arms from the first day I met her. A woman who always helped you to find the sunshine in the rain. A woman, for lack of better words, who was simply outstanding.
I lost my Grandma.
My marriage struggled too. Lack of communication spiraled into some tough times. But without that struggle, I don't know that we would be where we are today. I feel like we are in a better place than we've ever been.
I went through a bout with anxiety. And while I never saw anyone about it, I was able to get through with a LOT of help from my husband and friends. It affected me in ways that I never could of imagined. I questioned everything: myself and my way of thinking. I over-analyzed. I got angry. I would randomly burst into tears. And I think the scariest part of it for me was the fact that I could never actually PINPOINT what was wrong, I just felt as if I was always in a state of upheaval.
I don't think that it's the number thirty that actually bothers me or scares me. It's the fact that I know that along with thirty, comes some changes within our family. In August, Tristan will begin his first year in middle school and Brynlee will start pre-school. A few months ago, Jacob and I made the decision to close the door on having any more children. In my heart of hearts, I know it was the best choice for us and I don't regret it, but the finality of it all is hard to grasp at times.
And to close it off, I thought I'd update everyone on my "30 Before 30" which unintentionally is going to become a "35 Before 35....."
2. Get healthy. Eat better. Lose 15-25 pounds. Last summer I felt like I'd taken a good step forward. Even though I wasn't down more than about 8 pounds, I was toning & feeling better than ever. I've fallen off the wagon a bit but recently, with the help of Jacob, I'm trying to get back into the routine of hitting the gym in the mornings (at least 3 days a week). My ultimate goal is to lose 10-15 pounds from my current weight of 163 by my birthday in May. Current weighing in between 157 & 159 pounds :)
4. Take more pictures of us. Of our children. Of nature. Find beauty behind the lens.
6. Partake in a paintball fight.
8. Go on a random road trip with friends.
10. Play messy twister.
14. Know that it's okay to say how I feel. Holding it in doesn't provoke change.
15. Rekindle the romance and friendship with my husband. Times get tough. Sometimes giving up seems like the easiest thing to do but 11 years is too far to come to just walk away. I feel Jacob & I have both made steps forward in this category. He is my best friend. He always makes me laugh (even when I'm trying really hard not to). He calls me on my crap. And at the end of the day, we have each other and we're working to be the best versions of ourselves for each other and our kids.
18. Finally watch the Lord of the Rings & Hobbit trilogies.
19. Find the prettiest waterfall in the state of Kansas.
20. Experience a drive in theater.
21. Re-read the Harry Potter series & have a weekend marathon. I'm working on it! I'm currently on book 4 of 7.
22. Continue to make more time for family. Always a work in progress. Life is hectic and schedules are busy but Jacob and I are really trying to make one another and our kids the highest priority.
26. Explore the opportunities within an online course or certification.
27. Find the best cheeseburger in the state of Kansas.
28. Read more. I've read some good ones so far this year. I've found a new favorite author, Kristin Hannah & really enjoyed and recommend "The Good, The Bad and the Grace of God" by Jep & Jessica Robertson.
29. Go to a musical.
It's been one hell of a ride twenties. I'll miss you. But I'm looking forward to my third decade and the possibilities it holds. So with that being said, it's a wrap!

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