Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Only Thing Standing Between You Being the Best Version of Yourself Is YOU

That's right girlfriend, as much as you don't want to hear it, as much as you don't want to admit it, it's you. You are your biggest obstacle. 

I for a fact, know that I am my own biggest obstacle and worst critic. I'm guilty of letting the voice of self doubt take over, putting a gray cloud over anything and everything. 
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That stops now.

Let's start from the beginning. I've realized to be the best version of myself, I need to focus on MY vision, not anybody else's. It's time to stop wasting time, effort and energy trying to live up to someone else's expectations. 
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Acknowledge that change is scary and then, proceed anyway. Fear is the reason that most of us choose not to proceed forward with decisions involving change. If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try. For me, that meant taking a stab at becoming an ambassador for an online clothing boutique. PSA, we've got some REALLY cute stuff ya'll, you should check it out :)  [www.jelizabethboutique.com/jesssweettee]

Realize that it's okay to make mistakes. Take that moment and learn from it but don't live in it. 

Educate yourself. Those things in life that you're passionate about? Make the time to learn about them and put your heart into it through reading, finding a mentor and observing. 

Focus on your strengths. Take the time to focus on the things that you do well. While I know that I'm not going to be someone's first pick for a softball substitute (it's really okay guys,I'm terrible and I know it), I know that there are several things that I excel in. Do you need help putting something in words? I'm your girl. Writing is not only my passion, but it's also the one thing that I truly feel like I'm good at. Need a duet partner for Disney karaoke? I've got you boo. Has it been a rough day? Are you in need of a glass of wine and a good vent session or would you rather we turn up the music and dance it out, Meredith and Christina style? Regardless of your answer, I'm your girl. 

Keep positive, supportive, people around you. Sometimes, our circle changes. Realize that it's okay. Some people will be with us for a reason, others for a season, some for a lifetime. It's easy for people to want to stand by you while you are thriving, standing on a mountain top. It's harder for people to stand with you in the valleys, when life throws some hard stuff your way. The people who do both, those are your people. Keep them, know them, love them. Let them know how much you appreciate them for all they are to you.

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Believe in yourself, treasure yourself. Take time to do the things that prove that you care for yourself. Try to get your steps in. Wrap up in a blanket and get lost in a book. Sleep in. Get up early and find a routine. Whatever you choose to do, do it for you. 

Start each day with a grateful heart and a positive mindset. Be kind. Offer a hug or embrace to someone who is having a rough go. Hold the door open for a stranger. Give someone a genuine compliment. Do something for someone without expecting anything in return. 

Be you, do you, for you. The rest will fall into place. 

So excuse me while I'm being me, doing me, for me. I'm out here trying to live my best life. 
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