Wednesday, December 27, 2017

She's Makin' A List & Checkin' It Twice

With 2017 coming to a close and this likely being my last blog post of the year, I have decided to take a moment and update my readers on my "30 Before 30" list. Only 126 days remain people, 126 days to complete 18 items. Let's do this thing!

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1. Start writing again, for me. To explore the possibilities of starting a blog and getting my thoughts out in hopes that it can help me find an outlet on days like today, to find my way back to something I am very passionate about and maybe, just maybe, help some other people through days like today.  I have continued to work on this blog & will continue to do so. Even though there are times when the days between posts are more than I'd like it to be, I'm enjoying finding new inspiration and things to write about. To those of you who take the time to read these posts as they are written, I thank you! 
2. Get healthy. Eat better. Lose 15-25 pounds.  Last summer I felt like I'd taken a good step forward. Even though I wasn't down more than about 8 pounds, I was toning & feeling better than ever. I've fallen off the wagon a bit but recently, with the help of Jacob, I'm trying to get back into the routine of hitting the gym in the mornings (at least 3 days a week). My  ultimate goal is to lose 10-15 pounds from my current weight of 163 by my birthday in May. 
3. Be a better me. For myself, for Jacob, for our kids. This will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, be a work in progress. However, I really do feel I've made strides in the right direction this year. Jacob and I went on our first overnight trip, alone, without children or friends a couple weeks ago and guess what? We survived. And I for one, had a dang good time.
4. Take more pictures of us. Of our children. Of nature. Find beauty behind the lens.
5. Get another tattoo. An anchor? The kid's names? Both?
6. Partake in a paintball fight.
7. Find adventure. Try new things. Say yes more often.  I'm trying to take this on as my new life mantra. 2017 has been a good year for this. I have tried new food - fish & oysters. I started playing disc golf. I made my first homemade pie, crust & all! 
8. Go on a random road trip with friends.
9. Travel to a new city or state.  I've stepped foot in Louisiana & Alabama this year (both a first for me) & went to a concert in Maryville, MO. A family trip to Arkansas and Tennessee are both in the works for 2018. Stay tuned.
10. Play messy twister.
11. Become a "regular" somewhere. 
12. Learn to cook. I've screwed up hamburger helper for Pete's sake! This too, will forever be a work in progress but hey, I am working on it. I've made homemade noodles & took my first attempt at a homemade apple pie. 
13. Start a new family tradition.  I started a new "family" tradition with a set of friends this year. Alex and Neal, some friends of ours, held their First Annual Noodle Making Party this December. It was a tradition passed on to Neal by his Grandma and he shared it with a group of us this winter. I can honestly say, I had a blast and will continue to attend for as long as they keep the tradition going. BUT, it definitely does help if you remember to put said noodles in the freezer and not leave them in the beer cooler.... pure devastation.
14. Know that it's okay to say how I feel. Holding it in doesn't provoke change.
15. Rekindle the romance and friendship with my husband. Times get tough. Sometimes giving up seems like the easiest thing to do but 11 years is too far to come to just walk away. I feel Jacob & I have both made steps forward in this category. He is my best friend. He always makes me laugh (even when I'm trying really hard not to). He calls me on my crap. And at the end of the day, we have each other and we're working to be the best versions of ourselves for each other and our kids. 
16. Go to a Chase Rice concert.  HOLY SMOKES people, I can cross this one off my list. On December 8th, Jacob and I braved the campus of Northwest Missouri State University to attend my very first Chase Rice concert. I say first because if I have it my way, it won't be my last! He was AMAZING!!!! 
17. Worry less. It's okay to go a day without makeup or the perfect hair. And lazy Sundays are and should be a thing. I've definitely been embracing the exhilaration of not having to get all dolled up on the weekends.
18. Finally watch the Lord of the Rings & Hobbit trilogies.
19. Find the prettiest waterfall in the state of Kansas.
20. Experience a drive in theater. 
21. Re-read the Harry Potter series & have a weekend marathon. 
22. Continue to make more time for family.
23. Lear to let go. Of hurt and of anger.
24. Make time for myself.  Since I've been slacking in my commitment to go to the gym, my time alone has taken a backseat to other things in life. And this time of year is just crazy. I will admit though, it's my own fault. Jacob is always very encouraging me to take a little time to myself. So after a recent bathroom remodel, I am telling myself, "grab a glass of wine & a book and allow yourself to enjoy a nice soak in the tub every once in awhile."
25. Home improvement projects. Kitchen (done), wall decor, office area. The office area is still not done. I will get there though, I will get there. But we have remodeled the kid's bathroom and I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty envious of it.
26. Explore the opportunities within an online course or certification. 
27. Find the best cheeseburger in the state of Kansas.
28. Read more. I've read some good ones so far this year. I've found a new favorite author, Kristin Hannah & really enjoyed and recommend "The Good, The Bad and the Grace of God" by Jep & Jessica Robertson.
29. Go to a musical.
30. Never back down. Go after my dreams.

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